Friday, March 16, 2018

Jay-Z and Beyonce's Outrageous Concert Ticket Prices

What's woody wood, grasshoppers?

A lot of people are up and arms about the On the Run II concert tickets...specifically the prices that cost $900-$1000...and while it's assumed that there aren't any cheaper ticket prices to buy, people are also guessing that the working class are spending their rent money and income tax returns to cop concert tickets

Why do people assume it's "rent" money or some other "shouldn't be spent" fund to get the tickets? Some people have SAVINGS ACCOUNTS...Yep, some of us actually have a stash so when things like this come up, we're in there like swim wear

I'll buy the tickets that's around $150...that's my max... and it's not coming from my rent money...I'm not skipping my cable or electric bill so I won't have to eat ramen noodles for a week afterwards

I even peeped some $90 tickets in the nose bleeds...they have the same ticket prices on the lower level...people buy those nose bleed section tickets and resale them for a higher price

This is the price before people start buying and reselling them at astronomical prices

So let's not blame Jay-Z and Beyonce for the thousand dollar tickets...there's no illuminati conspiracy to post tour dates during tax's the resellers that are selling the tickets at those outrageous prices

A hustle at the consumers' expense

And on that note, I'm Audi 5k

Peace and Afro Grease

Nah'Sun the Great @

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