Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tips for New and Aspiring Authors

What’s woody wood, grasshoppers?

Peep game if you wanna write a book

Thank me later

1. Book publishing is about sales...not your great writing or your fabulous story or your credentials.

2. Professional editing is worth every dime...even if you aced your grammar course and love diagramming sentences, you still need an editor.

3. The more eyes or your work the better...don't hold on to your writing as if it were high-level, classified information.

4. When writing fiction, show don't is always better to describe a scene or create dialogue rather than straight narrative.

5. Read books on writing...they help.

6. Join professional writing associations...even if you only attend one conference a year or page through one journal, you get to know the industry and feel a sense of belonging to a noble profession.

7. If you have self-published, don't spend money on PR/marketing firms...unless you have a huge advertising budget and money to burn. Yes, PR/marketing firms can get you exposure, but they cannot sell books. Only you can do that.

8. If you feel you must invest in some kind of marketing, spend money on advertising with book bloggers...they are all about books and folks who visit their sites love to read and are seeking the next best read.

9. Reviews sells books...positive reviews are great, but even negative ones help your writing and sell books.

10. Be realistic about book sales...even though publishing is all about sales, writing is about communication.



Nah’Sun @

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