Saturday, February 17, 2018

Advice for Newbies in the Swing Lifestyle

*** Some Game for Newbie Guys ***

Words from your favorite author...

1. Be Patient

Some chicks won't fuck with you UNTIL they get to know you and see you @ a few parties

2. Don't Expect Much @ Parties

Expectation is the mother of disappointment

3. Stay Out the Inbox

Chicks already have it in their mind that you a creep when they don't know you unless they hit YOU up first

4. Hit up Meet and Greets

Familiarity breeds contempt, but it also makes people pay more attention to you when they see how you move

Which also means your posts in groups will get more love because headz actually saw you in-person #NoCatfish

5. Don't Voice Your Opinions in Someone Else's Beef

Mind your business unless you with the shits

6. Link up with a REPUTABLE veteran to learn the ins and outs of the Lifestyle

Every master was a student first

7. "Do The Knowledge"

In other words...look, listen and observe instead of going hard around unfamiliar people

8. If you're local, take your time to get your feet wet

9. If you're out of town, approach as many chicks as possible without seeming thirsty

You might not see them again, but be discrete about it because bad news travel faster thanks to social media

10. Approach the man in a couple if you wanna play with his woman

Every couple has their own rules, but that's the universal etiquette of the Lifestyle

Aight, I'm Audi 5G

Peace and Afro Grease

Nah'Sun the Great @

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