“It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it” – Bahamadia from the song True Honey Buns
Famous for doing nothing is what drives today’s society. I’m not knockin anyone’s hustle. I say get it how you live. Just know the pros and cons of your actions.

If dudes are willing to trick off and handcuff broads because they’re under the spell of pussy power, there’s nothing I can do or say about it.
I pop my collar to any woman who gets what she wants even if I disagree with her methods.
Kim Kardashian is like the character Naeta Bug in my novel Thick When the Chances are Slim. Naeta Bug is the type of broad who’ll get paper by any means. She doesn’t mess around with low ballin dope boys. She strives for the big stakes.
The only difference is that while Kim fucks around with Black athletes and entertainers as an Armenian chick, Naeta Bug is a Black woman who fools around with white business owners.
“She don’t fuck with niggas. She only fucks with white boys with long money in the suburbs and up north.” – Rico (one of the main characters of Thick When the Chances are Slim)
As a single mother living in the ‘hood, Naeta Bug thrives in survival mode. Kim Kardashian’s father, Robert Kardashian, was O.J.'s lawyer. So you know she grew up with paper.

Would you consider Naeta Bug and Kim skeezers, or equal opportunists?
Kim Kardashian has game. The marriage between her and dude from the New Jersey Nets (his name escapes me and I’m refuse to Google it) was faker than a 3 dollar bill.
They showed no chemistry. None what so ever. And Kim STILL grabbed the media's and public’s attention like steel to magnets.
“I don’t respect tricks. I just respect that bread.” – Naeta Bug
Naeta Bug doesn’t care about the men in her life. She’s only out for the gusto. If that means using someone including family members to get what she wants, she’ll do it in a heart beat. And if you read the novel. She does.
Calling her a heartless bitch is a compliment.
Kim Kardashian and Naeta Bug don’t have any talent besides their looks. Sure, Naeta Bug knows how to do hair, but who drives luxury cars and rock designer clothes putting Yaki weave in someone’s hair???
While men get their power from status, women get their power from their level of attraction. And when it comes to Naeta Bug and Kim Kardashian, it’s the power of the P.U.S.S.Y
“I got my own place, pushing a Beemer, and don’t buy none of my clothes. You should stick with the program.” – Naeta Bug
That’s poetry